Thursday, May 24, 2012

How violins are made!!

It might be a little "cliche" but the process is actually quite interesting!!!! ENJOY!!!


  1. hi, treble grl! i want to buy a violin. do you think that this is a quality one? here is the link:

    1. Hi Camilia!!! I think it is so great that you are looking in to purchasing a violin. Well, I would recommend this violin for a beginner. Someone who is experimenting with the violin and isn't quite ready to make a big time commitment. It is EXTREMELY hard to tell the quality of a violin from a picture. I suggest going to a music store in your area and trying out a few violins to find what you are looking for if you already haven't. I am not familiar with this particular brand but, some of the less expensive violins, don't hold a tune very well and sometimes don't have the same sound as a more expensive violin. Although, this violin looks like it is a pretty good quality,it is very hard to tell. This violin is IDEAL for learning the basics that I am teaching on this blog. And for $41 you can't go wrong. I hope this information helps; let me know if you have any other questions!!!!
